President Halimah alerts police to hoax email inviting people to have dinner with her, PM Lee

Halimah Yacob/Facebook
President Halimah Yacob (pictured) warns the public of a hoax email asking people to provide their email passwords in order to have dinner with her and other politicians on March 10.
Published27 FEBRUARY, 2020UPDATED 27 FEBRUARY, 2020
SINGAPORE — The President’s office has reported to the police the presence of a phishing email inviting the email recipient to a dinner with President Halimah Yacob, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Cabinet ministers.
The hoax email asks its recipient to download a letter and provide his or her email password.
The dinner is purportedly taking place on March 10.
“The email is a hoax,” President Halimah said in a Facebook post on Wednesday (Feb 26).
“We have reported the fake email to the police.
“I strongly urge all Singaporeans to remain vigilant against online exploits and scams, and to familiarise yourself with tell-tale signs of a phishing email, so that we do not fall prey to these malicious cyber threats.”
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